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A Good Read

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Title: A Good Read
Author(s): Alyjude
Date(s): 22 January 1999
Length: 10378 words
Genre(s): slash, Post Canon
Fandom(s): The Sentinel
Relationship(s): Jim/Blair
External Links: A Good Read at k9kennel
A Good Read at AO3

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A Good Read is a Jim/Blair story by Alyjude.


Blair has finished his Academy training, but is not to be allowed to graduate with the rest of the cadets. He decides to attend the graduation rehearsal to give himself closure...

Reactions and Reviews

The story opens with a diary entry. A really crushing diary entry that details just what life has been like for Blair Sandburg after the series finale. An ulcer is referred to several times. Not to mention a *lot* of anger. And, because this is Blair, we go from the diary entry to the day of Blair's graduation (if, you know, he were actually being allowed to graduate). Is it any surprise that a madman with a bomb is involved? As you all know, Alyjude is one of my Sentinel fandom guilty pleasure authors. This story, however, is not a guilty pleasure. It's just plain good, especially with the characterization of kick!ass!Blair, who not only doesn't need saving, but he damn well will save everyone else while he's at it. Toss in a fantastic journal entry, Jim being, uh, Jim, and Simon being completely awesome and you have a great story all around.[1]
Oh, I've always LOVED this story ... but then, I have a tendency to love everything Aly writes. They all have something special, something so touching that she inevitably, at some point, sooner or later, moves me to tears. This story, though, is one of the absolute best 'kick ass' Blair stories in the fandom, thorougly delightful.[2]
So, Blair goes to the Police Academy. He's not harassed, but everyone ignores him. He does well. Very well; he would have graduated at the top of his class. Except that they won't allow him to graduate with the others. And Blair is angry. Angry that Jim really believed that Blair would sell his dissertation. Jim doesn't know him as well as Blair would like. Is he right? And then Jim overreads Blair's journal, reading how he truly feels about what happened. How will he react? He'd threatened to pull his friendship over the first chapter of the infamous dissertation, he'd thrown him out of his home, and again threatened to pull his friendship after finding out about Alex, always the friendship, always pulling it, like it was tangible, like there was no room for mistakes, like telling Blair, "Play by my rules and I'll be your friend, but if you don't, you're history", when what he should have been saying was, "I'm your friend for life, it's unconditional, like my love." Interesting take on the Police Academy thing. I found Blair's take on Jim's reaction to the dissertation refreshing. Neat subplot with the hostage taking and I love the resolution: go Blair! Really nice, that bit. Good use of Joel. Yay for the end. [3]
