A Game for Two Players

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Title: A Game for Two Players
Author(s): Jane of Australia
Date(s): 1992
Genre(s): slash
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
External Links: A Game for Two Players

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A Game for Two Players is a Bodie/Doyle story by Jane of Australia.

It was published in Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink #1 in 1992.

Fan Comments


Consensual S/M within the context of a changing relationship. Some of the hottest sex around, plus solid plotting and characterization. [1]


As y'all know already I'm shallow enough to enjoy everything that has good sex (i.e. that pushes my buttons). Therefore, I have enjoyed a lot of Jane's writing. I agree that her plots aren't always the most logical or plausible, but she seems to have a faible for writing the sex scenes with a a hint of domination and Doyle on the receiving end, and I lap that up wherever I can find it. That's also the reason why A Game For Two Players is very high up in my list of favorite B/D stories (and b/d stories :-) ). [2]


  1. ^ from Be Gentle With Us #7 (1992)
  2. ^ quoted anonymously from Virgule-L (September 3, 1994)