A Far Distant Star

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Title: A Far Distant Star
Author(s): Icarus Chained
Date(s): 2007
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TNG
External Links: AO3

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A Far Distant Star is a Star Trek: TNG Picard/Q story by Icarus Chained.

The story explores Q's experience of the universe via Deanna Troi and his intense loneliness, a common trope in P/Q stories.

Reactions and Reviews

While teaching Troi to shield better, Q accidentally lets her see something in his mind that almost destroys her. He turns to Picard to help her because Picard's the only one he's willing to admit the knowledge that harmed Troi to. Maybe a bit over the top and overemotional, but the concept is original and the story's well written. [1]

Oh! A Far Distant Star by icarus_chained is good, it's a discussion of what it means to be a being like Q who lives forever but rarely finds anything like friendship. That one, I could recommend more broadly.[2]

Angst *and* schmoop, but in a relatively in-character way. Q accidentally harms Troi while trying to help her improve her mental shields, and the solution must involve Picard learning things about Q that Q would rather keep to himself. The ending gets a little soppy for my taste, but the author acknowledges she was kind of young when she wrote it. Rated PG-13.[3]
