A Difference That Makes All the Difference

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Title: A Difference That Makes All the Difference
Author(s): Jane Jones
Date(s): 1985
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
External Links: on AO3

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A Difference That Makes All the Difference is a Kirk/Spock story by Jane Jones.

It was published in the print zine Duet #11.


"Kirk refuses to bond with Spock until he finds out that there is a subtle physical difference between them."

Reactions and Reviews

Unknown Date

An alternate end to the 5YM in which interesting Vulcan biology provides a solution to Kirk's inability to be penetrated. Not much in the way of plot, to be honest, but I like it when writers demonstrate originality with Vulcan anatomy, and this is about as weird as they come. [1]


.... my favourite story in the zine. For readers familiar with much of Jane's work, this story could come as a surprise. This is an incredibly gentle story set at the end of the 5-year mission. Spock has to choose a bondmate or return to Vulcan and attempt the Kolinahr, He tells Jim of his love for him and asks to join with him. When a few days later Jim gives him his answer, it is in the negative. Jim has to explain that the reason is not that he does not want to but that he cannot. He explains that while on Tarsus A he had been raped and that because of that he could not share a full joining with Spock and therefore could not serve him in Pon Farr. Spock however is delighted, he asks Jim to trust him, saying that penetration will cause no problem. They bond and Spock is proved correct. Now I refuse to give the reason for their success, but I will add a please, can I have an illo please? [2]

I always look forward to reading stories by this author. This is an A/U end-of-the-5-year-mission story wherein Spock asks Kirk to bond with him & Kirk has to refuse due to injuries he received back on Tarsus IV. But Kirk has not taken into account the differences in Vulcan anatomy-and, boy, is he in for a surprise! [3]


  1. ^ from Recs by Rhaegal Archived June 20, 2014 at the Wayback Machine
  2. ^ from Communicator #22 (May 1985)
  3. ^ from Not Tonight Spock! #9