A Dead World

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Title: A Dead World
Author(s): Laluzi
Date(s): 2012-2017
Length: 425k words
Genre(s): Crossover, Adventure, Suspense
Fandom(s): Prototype, Fallout: New Vegas
External Links: FF.net
Space Battles.com

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A Dead World is a Prototype and Fallout: New Vegas crossover fic. It has become popular enough to have a page on TV Tropes, where it has the descriptive header tags "Awesome", "Funny", "Heartwarming", "Nightmare Fuel", and "Tearjerker".

Reactions and Reviews

This fic has pretty much ruined other Prototype fics for me and other Fallout New Vegas fics. Alex is just perfectly characterized here, with his development feeling 100% natural and earned, and this fic's Courier is one of the most charming and enjoyable I've ever read. The fic is definitely hilarious, but it also has plenty of gravitas and time for soul-searching philosophy, and Alex's presence adds a few new twists and surprises to how some quests play out. Definitely, definitely take the time to read this.[1]

Looking for an interesting, well-written Prototype fanfiction? You should definitely check out "A Dead World" by Laluzi, the best story out there - small caveat, it's a crossover, but still incredibly well done.[2]

The fic is definitely interesting and something worth giving a read, it starts off with Mercer having to get used to the world he knew being gone and he tries to hide his nature from everyone, though he inevitably fails. The difference between him and the Courier is hilarious, with him being the blunt and antisocial killing machine and her being the smooth talking vagabond with a sketchy past. Honestly the fic is worth reading just for the character interactions alone, but beyond that it also includes some great moments involving biological weapons etc.[3]

For anyone interested in a [PROTOTYPE]/Fallout crossover, may I introduce one of my favorite fanfics ever: A Dead World, by Laluzi on Fanfiction.net. It’s been ongoing since 2012 and I’ve been following it for 5 years or so. I very strongly recommend giving this fanfic a read.[4]

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