A Cock and Bull Story

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Title: A Cock and Bull Story
Author(s): Phaedra Morgan
Date(s): 1994
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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A Cock and Bull Story is a Kirk/Spock story by Phaedra Morgan.

It was published in the print zine Matter/Antimatter #10.


"The meadow Kirk and Spock begin to make love in turns out to be inhabited by a bull-like creature that does not take kindly to intruders."

Reactions and Reviews


I was very reluctantly reaching the conclusion that I was tiring of stories whose only plot was getting them sexually activated and into a sex scene, when along comes a writer who can do just that and make me love it! [1]


This is a perfect vignette and the picture at the end seemed almost a part of the story, an appropriate punctuation mark. [2]

Aptly named. While I thankfully had all my clothes on, and he was just a dairy bull, not arena wise, I know just how big a bull can look when there's NOTHING between you and him. A charming little shorty. [3]

This was a delightfully imaginative little story and memorable. Though I know it was just "for fun," I can't help but wonder how Ferdinand obtained his "arena" background, unless one assumes bullfights on common on the planet. [4]
