Zelda Shonen-ai/Yaoi/Yuri Archive

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Name: Zelda Shonen-ai/Yaoi/Yuri Archive
Date(s): 2001 - 2004
Archivist: Sae and Key
Fandom: Legend of Zelda
URL: zya.sivan.nu (via Wayback)
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You've come to the right place if you're looking for fiction dealing with Zelda yaoi / slash / shonen-ai / yuri[1]. Navigate using the signs in the green line below. ^^ Contact us at [email protected]. Indexpic drawn on oekaki board by Key. The cute little graphics are NOT our property. Someone else made them. We have no idea who, so they are obviously here without permission. >.<; (Unlike everything else.) Please note that some content on this site might not be suitable for minors. Also, if you don't like the concept of male/male relationships, please go somewhere else. The Legend of Zelda is (c) Nintendo. This is a fansite.

