Z: The Zorro Zine

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You may be looking for Z: The Zorro Letterzine.

Title: Z: The Zorro Zine
Editor(s): Mary Ann McKinnon
Date(s): 1999
Medium: print zine
Genre: gen
Fandom: Zorro
Language: English
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flyer printed in a 1992 issue of Zine Scene -- it appears that this zine took seven years longer to publish than anticipated. Note that it mentions Z: The Zorro Letterzine.

Z: The Zorro Zine is a 332-page gen anthology that covers most of the Zorros down through the media timeline (Guy Williams, Duncan Regehr, Antoni Bandaras).

It contains Zorro fiction by: Karen Campbell, Stephen Brooks, Linda Vogt Bindner, Ruth Ann Roberst, Clyde Hall, Cheryl Connors, Diana Smith & Pat Dunn, Lana Merkel, Gail Molnar, Gretchen Cupp, Kristin A.M. Scott, Linda Mooney, Lorraine Beatty, Sandy Hall, Susan O'Brien. Art by Michele West, Steve Brooks, Frances Quinn, Gail Molnar, Derrin, T.J. Glenn, Lana Merkel.

It has a full color front and back covers by Michele West.
