Your Woman

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Title: Your Woman
Creator: Charmax
Date: September 2003
Format: digital vid
Length: 04:11 minutes
Music: Your Woman by White Town
Genre: constructed reality, slash
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel the Series
URL: Youtube

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Your Woman is a Spike/Angel vid by Charmax.

Reactions & Reviews

99.9% of all the Spangel(us) vids out there are just montages of the two characters set to some cute music or something; this vid is a Spangel shipper's dream come true. set to the perfect song (Whitetown's Your Woman), and edited expertly and seamlessly.... it's like they filmed an entirely new episode just for Spangel fans. imagine all the best fanfics you ever read, in which Angelus sired William in that alleyway, and Spike and Angel shagged and fought and then shagged some more - and you've got this vid. go and get this. REALLY. the file size is pretty big (almost 15M) so if you have dialup, be prepared to wait.

it's worth it.

trust me.[1]


  1. ^ the best Spangel vid ever! a lj post by soulless-lover at the slightly_sane comm, June 6 2004. Accessed 9 June 2024.