Year of the Cat

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Title: Year of the Cat
Author(s): Mandi Schultz & Cheryl Rice
Date(s): 1980
Length: 5 pages
Genre(s): het
External Links: online at trektales; archive link

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Year of the Cat is a Star Trek: TOS story by Mandi Schultz & Cheryl Rice.

It was published in the print zine Alpha Continuum #4.

The Diamonds and Rust Series Series

See the story order as they were published, and as they took place at Diamonds and Rust Series.

Reactions and Reviews: "Year of the Cat"

Kirk and Chantal pining for each other, with Kirk telling himself "the way to get over a woman is to have her" and Chantal regretting having to lie to him all the time, until she finally comes to his bed. [1]
