Wounded Heart

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Title: Wounded Heart
Author(s): Sherry Davis
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: online here

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Wounded Heart is an X-Files story by Sherry Davis.

Author's Notes

"This story has taken the best part of seven months to write. In case anyone is wondering this is my first dip into fanfiction. My sincere thanks go to my newly found grammar guru, Polly, for her endless help and patience. Thanks also go to Rhonni Lake who not only beta read this for me and put up with my terrible punctuation, but also encouraged me to post this. Or should I say threatened, Rhonni.<g>

I must also pay homage to Dawson Rambo who's amazing literary works have inspired me to try this out for myself. Way to go Daws!

Lastly, I'm a Brit. I hope that my different spelling of certain words and phrases is not distracting. Be aware that this story pulls no punches. It has strong language and some very unsavoury elements that might offend. It also has graphic descriptions of sex between our two favourite agents. Just ask Rhonni. You have been warned."