Would that I were born no Princess...

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Title: Would that I were born no Princess...
Author(s): Watchinkid
Date(s): Nov 24, 2019-
Length: 410k
Fandom(s): Youjo Senki, Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions
External Links: SpaceBattles

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Would that I were born no Princess... is a crossover Youjo Senki and Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions fanfiction, written by Watchinkid. It is also sometimes referred to as Princess Record. It is notable for being one of the longest Youjo Senki fics on SpaceBattles.


Now on her third life, Tanya faces the world of Ivalice. The realm suffers at the end of pointless conflict. But what's a new princess to do when she's set to rule a mess? Ivalice's hope and future lies lost in its past, there are wonders buried deep in the dirt, perhaps there she can find her path.

Unless the whole place goes to the gods-damned hells first.