Wip amnesty

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Journal Community
Name: wip_amnesty
Date(s): 2004-2014
Moderator: svmadelyn
Founder: svmadelyn
Type: Fanfiction, Fanart, Fanvids
Fandom: multifandom
URL: https://wip-amnesty.livejournal.com/

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wip_amnesty was a LiveJournal community that hosted a regular event in which authors, artists and vidders could post unfinished works in any format, with no obligation to finish. The last round ran in 2014 and offered the option to post on Tumblr.[1]

The concept of WIP Amnesty came into broader use within fandom. The AO3 tag for the community is synned to the general "WIP Amnesty" tag, leading to many works showing up in the "Community:wip_amnesty" tag that were never posted in the LiveJournal community.


You have from now until next week to find those stories (or art! or vids!) that are just really never going to finish, resign yourself, and share what you've got (starting Sunday!) with the world. It's been sitting there on your harddrive, lost, forgotten, hated on, cried over, or left alone, and it's time to let go.

Your chest will feel lighter. (No, really, it's true! 9 out of 10 past wip_amnesty participants report a distinctly lighter feeling in the general vicinity of their chest. This statistic is not what you would call "validated" by "science", but surely you can trust your faithful mod.)

People will beg you for more, possibly. You can laugh gently under your breath at them, because the point isn't that you want to write more or work on it more, it's that you want it GONE. JUST GONE. GET OFF THE HARDDRIVE. This is your chance for closure, and you're going to take it. Of course, you can do this anytime you want, as sadly, I haven't managed to take over civilization (yet), but this way, you can point at an 'official' type challenge and just call it a day, yo.

Rules post for the 2010 round.[2]

