Winter Companions Doctor/Jack Gift Exchange

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Name: Winter Companions Doctor/Jack Gift Exchange
Date(s): 2013 - 2014
Moderator(s): trobadora
Type: Gift Exchange
Fandom: Doctor Who
Associated Community: Winter Companions
URL: 2013 tag and 2014 tag at Winter Companions
Promo banner for the 2014 exchange
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Winter Companions Doctor/Jack Gift Exchange was a gift exchange in Doctor Who fandom focused on the pairing of the Doctor/Jack, and was moderated at the Winter Companions community. It ran for two years, 2013 and 2014. Participants had to either write a fic that a minimum of 500 words, a large piece of art, an icon set of at five, or a vid that was a minimum of 20 seconds long.




  • Best First Date Ever by scifiangel, for the community (Jack/Ten) [PG]

A series of pictures illustrating Ten and Jack's long awaited first date.

  • You Can Say There's No Such Thing by squarededdie, for the community (Nine and Jack) [PG]

Nine doesn't know how to tell Jack he's actually welcome onboard.


  • A little bit of trouble by navaan, for matrixrefugee (Fifth Doctor/Jack Harkness) [G]

Jack thinks a little planet full of ice and snow is the best place for him not to get into any trouble or to mess up anybody's time lines. Of course, that means he runs into an old friend - even though said friend hasn't ever met him before.

  • Another Inch of Your Life Sacrificed by matrixrefugee, for scifiangel (Tenth Doctor/Jack) [PG-13]

Written for the prompt "Doctor holds Jack after Jack has died, waiting for him to revive and examining his feeling for the immortal". When the Judoon execute an outstanding warrent on a certain time-travelling former con man, the Doctor has a moment when he realizes what life without him might be like. (Title shamelessly stolen from Alicia Keyes's "Another Way to Die")

  • Backward and Forward in Time by writcraft, for the community (Nine/Jack) [R]

The TARDIS wants her Doctor to be happy. Captain Jack Harkness offers a solution.

  • Chance of Survival by fluffyllama, for arnica (Hint of Eleven/Jack) [PG]

The last place Jack was ever supposed to be was in the middle of an apocalypse.

  • Doctor by falcom92, for eloriekam (Jack & Third Doctor) [PG]

Everything just happens so quickly; a surprise meeting with a Doctor Jack doesn't recognize and a mission he'd never even wanted to take.

  • Duet by lindenharp, for navaan (Jack/Future Doctor) [All Ages]

It's a quiet enough place, and there won't be any distractions." Famous last words...

  • Getting There by wojelah, for joking (Jack/Eleven) [PG]

"Crossing your own timeline is a very foolish thing, you know," he observes casually to the back of a nearby holochip stall. "Pot," says Jack, "Meet kettle."

  • Giggles and Breakfast by eloriekam, for fortisgreen (Ten/Jack) [Teen]

The Doctor gets loopy. Jack spoils him.

  • Insist on Making Complications by mahmfic, for fluffyllama (11/Jack) [R]

Grieving the loss of his companions, the TARDIS takes the Doctor to colonial America to meet an old friend.

  • Light as a Feather by magic_7_words, for gaia_lulia (Eleven/Jack friendship) [G]

The Doctor can appreciate Egyptian mythology as well as the next person, but right now he just wants his TARDIS back. Unfortunately, the Osirians have other ideas. And Jack wouldn't know cultural appreciation if it bit him on the nose.

  • Near Miss by fortisgreen, for lilithbint (various Doctors/Jack) [M+]

Sometimes a miss is as good as a mile.

  • Need by trobadora, for lindenharp (Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness) [PG-13]

He drowns in a sea of twisting space and potential time.

  • Of Maps and Constellations by mahmfic, for squarededdie (7th Doctor+Jack,) [PG]

Jack Harkness is the sheriff of a town doesn't exist on any map.

  • Porn Needs No Title by arnica, for mahmfic (very old!Jack/11) [NC-17]

"Jack literally runs him down, tearing around a corner with a laugh, jumping off a low wall over the head of a woman whose muzzle wrinkles back in a snarl as she screams in surprise only to stumble on his landing and crash into the Doctor, tumbling them both to the ground. Behind them the local law enforcement shouts for Jack to stop and surrender and the immortal man laughs as he rolls to his feet, reaching down and yanking the Doctor upright again."

  • Restraints by yamx, for magic_7_words (Jack/Nine) [Teen]

After a day out, the Doctor suddenly isn't himself. Or is he himself too much?

  • Reverberations by wojelah, for our pinch-hitters (Jack/Ten) [G]

"Close your eyes," she orders, and her word is law and death. Her Court obeys. Jack's baffled. And then he feels a stony hand on his neck and the world explodes.

  • Safe to Shore by sahiya, for yamx (Jack, Nine) [G]

Not even the Doctor knows all of the TARDIS's secrets. Lost in her depths, he and Jack run across a few of them - and learn a bit more about each other.

  • Small Moments by gaia_lulia, for wojelah (Jack/various unspecified Doctors) [G]

Eternity is a long time. You start to lose things, after a while.

  • The Future's So Bright by lilithbint, for trobadora (Eleven/Jack) [PG-13]

The Doctor's on the lookout for somewhere to think. He ends up somewhere else (as always) and runs into a very old friend and a familiar face.

  • Waiting for the Sun (a romance in two universes) by joking, for sahiya (Jack/Eleven) [Adult]

In the paradox timeline, everything is broken and little is certain, but Jack knows one thing for sure: he has to find the Doctor. In the restored timeline, the Doctor is supposed to be dead, but there's one man he knows he can trust with the secret of his life.


Fan works

  • Love Lost And Found by scifiangel for navaan (Jack/Future Doctor) [PG-13, accompanying fanfic]
  • The Doctor is returning his companion to her home when he sees a picture of an old friend hanging over their fireplace.
  • Made You Look by squarededdie for lilithbint (Jack & Eight) [G, fanart]
  • A cocktail initiates a brief exchange of identities.
  • Till You Come Back To Me Again by wildfreehearts for a_phoenixdragon (Jack/Ten, Jack/Eleven) [G, songvid]
  • It had been a long time, a different face, but Jack always knows who he is beneath.


  • A Time To Die, A Time To Build (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) by luorescence for the community (Jack/Ten) [T]

When the Doctor told Jack he needed him on that planet before running away like he always did, the Captain hadn’t thought they would meet again before hundreds of years, at least. And yet, he’s standing quite literally in front of Jack’s nose, while the latter just got shot by sonic bullets. And he’s not even the right regeneration. Typical.

  • A Vignette From The 2nd Hour of Dark On An Unnamed Station Orbiting A Dead Zone Planet by arnica for donnaimmaculata (Jack/Ten) [NC-17]

Jack doesn't ask to go and the Doctor doesn't offer.

  • Another, And Another, And Another" by pamymex3girl for fannishliss (Jack/Eleven) [PG]

The Doctor does his best to help Jack through his grief over Ianto's death.

  • Borrowed Time by trobadora for luorescence (Jack/Ten) [R]

Of course Jack had noticed, right from the start: the way the Doctor would turn his head that particular way, the way he'd brush off hands that tried to curl around his skull, that touched the back of his neck. The way he was guarding himself, from what Jack didn't know.

  • Break the Silence (Part One) (Part Two) by a_phoenixdragon for pamymex3girl (Jack & Eleven) [Teen]

So many lives disrupted and destroyed in the wake of that box of bluest blue. It would have happened whether they had been there or not – maybe in a harsher degree than if they hadn’t been there. He had witnessed that first hand; more than once actually. Had wished for the Doctor’s brand of destruction to come and wipe away the destruction that was unfolding before his eyes so many, many times. But it was easy, easier to blame the Doctor than see the truth. The Doctor knew it. He expected it.

  • Down Memory Lane by donnaimmaculata for trobadora (Jack/Ten) [NC-17]

Jack remembers exactly how he met the Doctor. Then, timey-wimeyness happens.

  • Euphora by fannishliss for scifiangel (Jack/Eight) [Mature]

Eight rescues Jack from a Dalek-ravaged planet during the Time War. Jack’s feelings for the Doctor are revealed, despite the risk to the timelines.

  • Healer and Teacher by matrixrefugee for joking (Ten/Jack) [PG]

Written for "how they've changed each other", post The Stolen Earth/Journey's End AU. En route to finding a cure for Donna, Jack and the Doctor have a quiet moment alone...

  • Lot Number 610 by mahmfic for squarededdie (Jack/Nine) [PG]

Jack had only been on board the TARDIS for three days and already he had single handedly lost the Doctor's sonic screwdriver.

  • Love Lost And Found by scifiangel for navaan (Jack/Future Doctor) [PG-13, accompanying fanart]

The Doctor is returning his companion to her home when he sees a picture of an old friend hanging over their fireplace.

  • Making Enemies by magic_7_words for matrixrefugee (Jack & Twelve) [G]

Written for the prompt "A ticked off former mark is after Jack and the Doctor is trying to talk them down." Which is sort of what happens. But not entirely.

  • Peaceful In My World by navaan for wojelah (Jack/Ten) [PG]

Jack is running around the universe saving the world, when he receives a call for help. The Doctor on the other hand has finally found a peaceful place for himself. Or has he?

  • Somebody Say My Name by joking for magic_7_words (Jack/Ten) [Adult]

The Doctor doesn't know this blue-eyed ghost in a greatcoat who keeps showing up in his TARDIS – but apparently, the Doctor is his only hope of survival.

  • We Have Heard The Chimes At Midnight by wojelah for arnica (Jack/Ten (passing), Jack/Eleven) [R]

It had been a rumor among the Agency's cadets. A bubble of time, carved out of the heart of a diamond dwarf star, accessible only to people with the right tickets. An infinite number of unusual, sometimes forbidden, always expensive delights, there for the looking/smelling/tasting/taking, depending on your budget, schedule, and personal inclinations. Cantralian. Part smuggler's den, part menagerie, part freak show, part paradise. The officers denied it. The Agency denied it. The Doctor hadn't answered when he'd asked, just looked away.

  • What Is Love?" by lilithbint for wildfreehearts (Face of Boe (Jack) & Eleven) [G]

The Face of Boe has known the Doctor through a dozen lifetimes and a dozen faces (for both of them). Just once the Doctor looked at him for more than friendship and he had to disappear. Now the Doctor looked at him with friendship but no knowledge of their journey. Sure he’d changed but somehow he’d hoped the Doctor would look deeper, even as he knew from his own history that the Doctor wouldn’t, couldn’t look any deeper.