Wide Open Spaces (Hawaii Five-0 story)

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Title: Wide Open Spaces
Author(s): tli
Date(s): 03 June 2011
Length: ~10,000 words
Genre(s): gen fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Wide Open Spaces (LJ)

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Wide Open Spaces is a Hawaii Five-0 gen story by tli. It is set during the second half of season 1.

Summary: Steve wakes up in a box.

Recs and Reviews

This is a story from Steve’s point of view about waking up in a box. It’s a pretty good hurt/comfort, gen story, that is mildly case adjacent. I really like that the author didn’t pull any punches, didn’t gloss over some of the nastier side effects of being trapped in a confined space for many hours. Oddly it actually reminded me a lot of the pilot episode of the original series from the 70s. There was some sensory deprivation in that episode as well and I wonder if maybe the author has seen it. It’s a pretty well contained (ehehe) fic, without a lot of aftermath or even a lot of reaction but it was still a good read. I really enjoyed the author’s ability to get Steve’s POV across while sounding so authentic. The struggle not to panic balanced very nicely against the fact that he was trapped. In a box. With no memory of getting there. Or idea if the team could help him.[1]


  1. ^ its-2-am. H50 recs, 05 March 2015. (Accessed 02 June 2016)