Where Angels Fear to Tread (Star Trek: TOS story)

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: 'Where Angels Fear to Tread
Author(s): Dana Austin Marsh
Date(s): 1993
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
External Links: online here

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Where Angels Fear to Tread is a Kirk/Spock story by Dana Austin Marsh.

It was published in the print zine Counterpoint #9.


"Kirkʼs guardian angel hopes to make his job easier by getting Kirk and Spock together, which proves harder than he originally thought."

Reactions and Reviews

You would think a story about three rather misguided guardian angels would be pretty silly. You might also wonder where Kirk and Spock come in. The three angels in this case are assigned to Kirk, Spock & McCoy. Kirk’s is having a bit of trouble earning his wings, because Luck keeps interfering just when he’s about to perform an angelic rescue. Still sound silly? Not at all.

What follows is an entertaining as anything I’ve read lately. Nothing could distract me once I began reading about the exploits of the three men and their erstwhile guardians. Kirk’s angel and Spock’s conspire (do angels do that?) to bring the two together. They sense that this is where the two belong, but accomplishing it is not an easy task. I found very compelling the idea that Kirk’s little bodyguard took it upon himself to read the head angel’s book to see just what possibilities awaited the human. When he came to the scene in the engine room, Spock trapped inside the radiation chamber and Kirk equally trapped outside, he firmly declared he would not allow these men to come to this point without ever having loved one another. There’s fun to be had watching the little angels cavorting around their charges unseen and unsuspected, hovering in the air above them, watching over every move. Deftly accomplished by the author, there is also the unfolding love story, the dawning awareness, the shy withdrawal born of uncertainty, then the recognition of love in the other’s eyes.

By the time the end rolls round, you are equally as concerned with the outcome for the angels as for Kirk and Spock. Simply a grand read! [1]
