When You Say Nothing At All (X-Files story)

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Title: When You Say Nothing At All
Author(s): Piper "Red" Anderson
Date(s): September 28, 1996, archived at The Gossamer Project on August 4, 1997
Genre(s): RPF
Fandom(s): X-Files RPF
External Links: online here

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When You Say Nothing At All is a very early X-Files RPF story by Piper "Red" Anderson.

Note: There are A LOT of X-Files stories (and fic and vids in other fandoms) with this title, which takes its inspiration from the 1995 Alison Krauss song, her first solo top-10 country hit.

For other examples of similar fic, see Some Examples of Early X-Files RPF.

From the Author

Disclaimer-I really hope David, Gillian, Tea, and Piper don't mind my writing a story about them. Keller Del and the Nighty-Night with Keller Del show is just something I made up, so if there really is such a show or a person, I had no clue whatsoever. And we know that Chris Carter owns the nifty X-Files.

Summary-A David/Gillian romance story. David and Tea are not married in this story, nor does the topic of marrage [sic] come up. So this is a good romance story.

Reactions and Reviews

Today I finally got around to going out on Gossamer to look for "When You Say Nothing At All," and there it was. In fact there it had been since September 28th, 1996 - nearly three years ago.

"When You Say Nothing At All" is G rated. Not only that, it begins with a disclaimer saying that it is an AU story in which neither DD nor GA is presumed to be married. There is also an apology to the actors themselves, saying that no insult to them is intended.

It's a sweet enough story, as these things go. Rather innocuous, really. And the full extent of the physical contact between the fictional GA and DD is as follows:

"Gillian, he said softly, and took her hand. He looked into her eyes and held her close. She could hear his heart beating as he held her, and then he tilted her face upwards and kissed her gently."

That's it as far as any salacious content goes. [1]
