What Yes Means

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Title: What Yes Means
Author(s): Charlotte Frost
Date(s): 2002
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: online here

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What Yes Means is a Starsky/Hutch story by Charlotte Frost.

It first appeared in the zine Venice Place Chronicles #2 and archived online.


"A missing scene from "Fatal Charm." Starsky deals with the aftermath of Diana Harmon's knife and his own spiraling emotions."

Comments from the Author

This was a finished story, in with a group of WIPs, that I passed on to my good friend. This was a post-“Fatal Charm” that read like every other immediate post-“Fatal Charm” story out there, so I never thought much of it, since there was nothing unique about it (but I had wanted to write it anyway. I thought that was a particularly outstanding episode, despite being a “Play Misty for Me” copycat.) But my friend wanted to publish it in her zine, and I rather self-consciously agreed. I don’t recall ever hearing anything about it.[1]

Reactions and Reviews

Missing scenes. Gosh, we love the missing scene - what happened before and after the scenes we were shown? Charlotte does a fantastic job here showing us how Starsky takes care of Hutch after he rescues him from the insane Diana, who has stabbed him while in the shower, a la Psycho. Hutch's pain, and Starsky's efforts to keep him awake, and then how he sits by him in the hospital, thinking about how he ignored the signs that Hutch and Diana were in a heap of trouble, all brings us to an interesting conclusion. [2]


  1. ^ by Charlotte Frost from Starsky and Hutch -- Stories I Have Known, accessed December 14, 2012; WebCite
  2. ^ a 2007 comment at Crack Van