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What Price Victory?

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Title: What Price Victory?
Author(s): Catherine S.
Date(s): 1995
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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What Price Victory? is a Blake's 7 story by Catherine S..

It was published in Fire and Ice #3.

Reactions and Reviews

Catherine and I once decided to try writing stories using the same bit of poetry as inspiration - Oscar Wilde's Reading Gaol. This is one of the stories that resulted, the other is in Forbidden Star. It's bleak, but then I like bleak.[1]

there's possibly nothing wrong with this one, but i don't like it very much. first person... which i often don't like, although sometimes i do. and most of their relationship seems to be physical, rather than emotional. i like that there's a plot that is to do with blowing something up, but in general, the fic is a bit floaty and does not do much for me. also - i'm spoilering it for you now, but... the premise is that this is an AU in which blake thinks he had to give the order than killed avon. but then at the end it's revealed... that avon lives. and went to GP and shot blake... and then read this fic as blake's diary.... while sitting next to blake's corpse? i don't get why this epilogue is here.[2]


  1. ^ In 2007, Judith Proctor reviewed the zine here, Archived version
  2. ^ In 2013, aralias reviewed the zine on Dreamwidth, Archived version.