What Dreams May Come (due South story)

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Title: What Dreams May Come
Author(s): Manna La Droit, Sandy R, Vicki, Birgitt, Courser and Ro
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): due South
Relationship(s): Fraser/Vecchio
External Links: online here
online at AO3

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What Dreams May Come is a Fraser/Vecchio story by Manna La Droit, Sandy R, Vicki, Birgitt, Courser and Ro.

Reactions and Reviews

A round robin with an interesting AU twist of what if dreams were real. It gives a different take on the idea of a first time covering the obstacles but with the added bonus of having the idea that two people are made for each other, something a lot of slash writers can identify with. The dream concept gives it an AU quality but doesn't overwhelm the first time issue. [1]


  1. ^ 2006 rec at Rec50