Voices of Reason

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Title: Voices of Reason
Author(s): Kernil Crash
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Farscape
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Voices of Reason is a Farscape story by Kernil Crash.

Reactions and Reviews

Moya's been boarded by Peacekeepers, they're about to be swallowed by a black hole, and John's come down with a fever that's managed to kill off all his translator microbes. All in all, not a good day! This is a lively story with lots of action, good characterization, a touch of angst, a touch of humor, a touch of "shippyness"... Basically, all the stuff that makes for a good Farscape episode, and it's pretty easy to imagine seeing this one on screen just about exactly as written. And the use of John's malfunctioning microbes as a plot device is absolutely inspired. This is a fairly long story, but it's a very fast read. I did have a *very* minor quibble with some of the science, but I think that's just me and my astrophysics degree being ridiculously nitpicky. Contains spoilers through "Different Destinations" (early 3rd season).[1]


  1. ^ Betty R at Gen Fic Crit, February 2002