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Vila Restal’s Emails

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Title: Vila Restal’s Emails
Author(s): Nicola Mody
Date(s): early 2000s
Genre(s): gen, Episode Tag, humor
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: on AO3, on author's website

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Vila Restal’s Emails is a series of Blake's 7 stories by Nicola Mody, written in the form of emails sent from and to Vila Restal during seasons 1-4 and post Gauda Prime. It's one of the first Blake's 7 fics by this author.

Reactions and Reviews

Why this must be read: I am shocked this hasn't been recced before...

Blake's 7 from Vila's POV (as related to his mother) with various other emails coming in from other members of the Liberator and Scorpio crew, as well as other luminaries such as Servalan, Travis, Carnell, etc. Firstly, it's a very funny take on the series as shown, but also - vilakins is a strong believer in the Avon-Vila (the dash implies strong platonic relationship, rather than sexual or romantic) friendship and it shines out as the primary concern of this fic. The silly, fun email format allows us to get another layer of 'what Avon is OK with saying in a public and private space' (this is - in addition to the show) and the way Vila responds to that - both to Avon and around Avon.

Also - on a historical note... I think this may be the first fic I've recced that is only available online, rather than in a zine, although B7 fandom has been online since 1992 and this fic was written in 2002. vilakins, who I will talk more about later, is one of (for me) the primary figures of internet-only B7 fandom, having started up most of our LJ comms, one of the two major internet archives (Hip Deep in Heroes, closed as of this year). She's also written a huge amount of very good fic about Vila. This is one of the most iconic. [1]

There's one of these for each season. They describe the plot of each episode from Vila's point of view and other stuff that happened on the Liberator in between. Which is always funny. Vila's mother is always thinking he's dead at the bottom of a cliff, he taunts Servalan and the crew argue. By email. [2]


  1. ^ recced by Aralias in Crack Van LJ community, December 22, 2013
  2. ^ Paranoidangel's review on Haven Reviews, 24-03-2006