Vidder Profile Spotlight: Giandujakiss

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Vidder Profile Spotlight: Giandujakiss
Interviewee: Giandujakiss
Date(s): October 20, 2011
Medium: online
Fandom(s): vidding
External Links: interview is here, Archived version
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Giandujakiss was interviewed in 2011 for Vidder Profile.

Some Excerpts

I first became aware of vidding from RivkaT. She explained to me what it was and showed me a couple of vids. I think I reacted like a lot of people do – I didn’t really “get” it at first. I didn’t fully understand how vids communicate, and a lot of the ones I saw weren’t for sources/pairings that I felt fannish about, so they didn’t grab me emotionally.

But then I saw some vids for pairings and fandoms I was fannish about – at the time, it was Duncan/Methos, Starsky/Hutch, and I think maybe a bit of Buffy/Spike and Faith/Wesley. And those really packed a punch for me. Suddenly I was obsessed and seeking out anything I could find, at least for those ‘ships. Killa’s and Luminosity’s Highlander vids in particular made me fall in love with the medium.

So, naturally, I started thinking of all kinds of songs that would work for my preferred fandoms/pairings, and then I longed to see those vids, and finally when it got to be too much I snapped and bought Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 (and then realized I needed an external hard drive, so I had to run out and buy that as well), and … here I am. Still with Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0, but a whole lot more hard drives.

No one really “taught” me how to vid; I don’t interact with other vidders much in real life, and online I’ll get the occasional technical help on something specific, but mostly I just sort of try to figure out what I need to know on my own.

For a while, I was mostly driven to vid by love for particular ‘ships. These days, though, different things trigger the desire to make a vid. Sometimes I’m interested in a pairing or a character and I’ll try, with varying degrees of effort, to find a song that fits. Most of the time a song will just strike me as viddable, and either it will just seem perfect for a fandom/character/pairing, or I’ll mull it for a while and see if I can come up with an idea that fits the song. So I guess my main sources of inspiration are songs themselves, or pairings that I feel passionately about. And other vids, of course – when I see a very good vid, it’s emotionally moving, and I respond to that by itching to dive into the same source.

There are particular points in the process that can be immensely satisfying – like, when I create a sequence that comes together just the way I want it – I can get caught up in rewatching it and not working on the rest of the vid :-). The finished product is rarely quite as satisfying because it will almost never live up to the ideal I have in my mind. I watch and see what I did well, but I also see all the places where I know I wasn’t able to make it work perfectly.