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Name: Valorant
Abbreviation(s): val, valo
Creator: Riot Games
Date(s): June 2, 2020 – present
Medium: Video game
Country of Origin:
External Links: Official Site, Official Twitter, Official Instagram
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Valorant is a free-to-play first-person shooter developed and published by Riot Games.


Although there are debates about what is canon, the fandom mostly decides that anything released by Riot Games (regardless of whether it is in-game) can be considered canonical to the universe of Valorant. This includes Twitter takeovers and the cinematics on YouTube. Canon purists may say that the only material considered canon is anything that was put in the Valorant itself, whether through character voice lines and interactions or through material in The Range.

Valorant consists of Episodes and Acts, with each Episode consisting of three Acts. Episodes are as followed:



The cinematics for Valorant include every agent and map trailer alongside every Episode cinematic.

Name Type Release Act
DUELISTS // Official Launch Cinematic Trailer Episode Cinematic Episode 01 Act 1
Skye Agent Reveal Trailer Agent Trailer Episode 01 Act 3
RETAKE // Episode 2 Cinematic Episode Cinematic Episode 02 Act 1
DUALITY // Official Lore Cinematic Episode Cinematic Episode 02 Act 3
KAY/O Agent Reveal Trailer Agent Trailer Episode 03 Act 1
Uncover Fracture // Official Map Teaser Map Trailer Episode 03 Act 2
L’Accord - Chamber Agent Trailer Agent Trailer Episode 03 Act 3
WARM UP // Episode 4 Cinematic Episode Cinematic Episode 04 Act 1
Spark - Neon Agent Trailer Agent Trailer Episode 04 Act 1
İYİ GECELER - Fade Agent Trailer Agent Trailer Episode 04 Act 3
SHATTERED // Episode 5: DIMENSION Cinematic Episode Cinematic Episode 05 Act 1
Dia do Santuário // Pearl Official Map Reveal Map Trailer Episode 05 Act 1
TURN THE TIDES - Harbor Agent Trailer Agent Trailer Episode 05 Act 3
REVELATION // Episode 6 Cinematic Episode Cinematic Episode 06 Act 1
City of Flowers // Lotus Official Map Trailer Map Trailer Episode 06 Act 1
The Flower Blooms // Lotus Story Trailer Story Trailer Episode 06 Act 1
First Impressions Agent Teaser Episode 06 Act 2
GREATER THAN ONE // Gekko Agent Trailer Agent Trailer Episode 06 Act 2

The Fandom

Fandom History

Riot Games is generally pretty accepting on fanworks and of the fandom for Valorant, something that is also true for their other huge game, League of Legends. They do not shy away from involving fans in promotions for the game. On June 23, 2021, they released a thread on Twitter where they "collaborated with some very talented cosplayers to help bring a few of our Agents to life" to celebrate the first year of Valorant being out. They also collaborated with a cosplayer for Neon's release, tweeting a photoshoot of a Neon cosplayer on January 7, 2022, around a week before Neon was to be released in Valorant.


Valorant has a large community but a much smaller fandom by comparison. As of May 15, 2023, there are 3,043 works on Archive of Our Own.


As of May 15, 2023, the most popular ships on Archive of Our Own are:

  1. Reyna/Sage (280 works)
  2. Phoenix/Yoru (280 works)
  3. Killjoy/Raze (279 works)
  4. Killjoy/Viper (222 works)
  5. Fade/Neon (190 works)
  6. Chamber/Yoru (187 works)
  7. Cypher/Omen (183 works)
  8. Cypher/Sova (155 works)
  9. Jett/Sage (131 works)
  10. Jett/Phoenix (107 works)

Out of the top 10 relationships, only one (the last one, Jett/Phoenix) is a m/f relationship. Also, the top three ships have approximately the same number of fanworks with them tagged. Fade/Neon is notable for being so popular as their agents are two of the newest in the canon. Additionally, femslash is a large part of the fandom. Four of the five most popular ships are f/f.

Canon Influence

One of the most notable ways fandom has influenced the game is through the Widejoy player card and subsequent meme. In the Episode 3 Act II Battle Pass, there was a card called Rainfall. For some reason, this card was glitched so it would display a stretched-out image of Killjoy during some loading menus. The developers announced that they were going to patch it out, which caused outrage in the community. After the announcement #SaveWidejoy became a trending hashtag on Twitter. However, the developers wanted to commemorate the glitch still, so there were two free cards in the Episode 4 Act II Battle Pass that showed Killjoy reading a petition to #SAVEWIDEJOY. These cards included a picture of Widejoy, and you can see Widejoy in the loading menu if you have one of the cards equipped.[1] In the same battle pass was a spray entitled #SAVEWIDEJOY, which has Raze spraypainting a Widejoy. Then, for April's Fool 2022, Riot Games uploaded a trailer for a new game mode entitled "Widejoy Mode", where Killjoy's model would become wide in the game.

Cypher is one of the more beloved characters in the fandom due to how often the cinematics and trailers shaft him, most recently with the license plate of a card in the Gekko trailer being "DEDCYPR" (Dead Cypher). As a result, for April's Fool 2023, Riot Games uploaded a trailer for a new game mode entitled "Cypher's Revenge Game Mode", where Cypher can finally get revenge for being dead in all the cinematics.

Characters and Pairings

As of May 15, 2023, there are 21 agents in Valorant, all of whom are part of the Valorant Protocol. Two more are scheduled to be released in 2023, and there is also three scrapped agents. Agent 8 is also currently not in the game.

In order of their agent number, the agents are:

  1. Brimstone
  2. Viper
  3. Omen
  4. Killjoy
  5. Cypher
  6. Sova
  7. Sage
  8. Agent 8
  9. Phoenix
  10. Jett
  11. Reyna
  12. Raze
  13. Breach
  14. Skye
  15. Yoru
  16. Astra
  17. KAY/O
  18. Chamber
  19. Neon
  20. Fade
  21. Harbor
  22. Gekko

There is only one canonical pairing in Valorant: Killjoy/Raze, canonically known as Nanobomb. They were made canonical during a social media takeover in December 2022. The second to last part of the takeover was an illustration by snatti89 of Raze and Killjoy kissing, posted without a caption on the official Twitter on December 11, 2022. The same illustration was posted on the official Instagram.. Less than half an hour after the illustration was posted on Twitter, the creative director of Valorant, David Nottingham, retweeted the illustration with the word "Canonical". A few hours after the illustration was posted on Twitter, the official Valorant Twitter account tweeted "nanobomb". A month later, in Patch 6.01, there was an update to The Range that included an email from Viper to Brimstone regarding internal policy changes regarding the Protocol's anti-fraternization policy. The email does not reference Killjoy and Raze by name, but this update came shortly after the illustration was posted.

However, even before Nanobomb was made canon, many fans already considered it canon because of how heavily hinted it was.


There are several creatures in Valorant who have become incredibly prevalent in the fandom, especially in fanart. The most notable is Wingman, one of Gekko's creatures. However, there are other creatures like tactibears, penguins, and rabbits which make a lot of appearances in sprays, cards, maps, etc. Some of the agents, most notably Neon, also have plushies.


Fan Activities & Works

Video Games

  • Valorant but in Minecraft is a common recreation of the game






External Links


  1. ^ "The Beloved Widejoy Player Card Returns in the New Valorant Battle Pass." ONE Esports, 1 Mar. 2022,