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Name/s: Closetfascination
Fandom/s: 13 Reasons Why, Critical Role, Dead Poet's Society, Carry On, Harry Potter, Degrassi
You can find me at: Archive of Our Own Tumblr
On Fanlore: My contributions / email me

I probably was involved in fandom before I knew what fandom was. I mostly participated in online forums. My first forums were's Degrassi TNG's board and my first ship was Jiberty. Following that, I became pretty involved in a Twilight forum for twenty-somethings and somehow didn't discover fanfiction until I was much older.

Current Interests

I returned to fandom in 2020 during the global pandemic. I watched 13 Reasons Why and fell in love with Alex and Winston. I couldn't let them go, spent a lot of time on the subreddit for the show and watching YouTube fan edits for the ship before seeking out fanfics for the ship. There were very few fics for this canon pairing and like they often say, sometimes if something doesn't exist, you have to create it yourself. Now, writing fanfiction for this fandom is my main hobby.

On Fanlore

I just discovered fanlore recently and noticed that the 13 Reasons why pages could use some editing. Once I figure out how to do that, I will definitely contribute to this fandom that I found myself sucked into almost two years ago.