United Federation of Planets Journal

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Title: United Federation of Planets Journal
Publisher: out of Colorado
Editor(s): Cicile Ouellet
Date(s): 1977
Medium: print zine
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
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United Federation of Planets Journal is a 251-page Star Trek zine. It has the subtitle, "Dedicated to the Universal Understanding of I.D.I.C.."

From the title page, "The IDIC -- translated from the Vulcan (Surak's Koon-ut-kal-if-fee Vulcansis) Editor's note: You may find this translation to be a bit verbose and excessive. I have found the Vulcan language to be the most difficult for the non-terran languages to adapt to English. I have made several attempts to simplify it, but with each attempt, the Vulcan idiom was lost. I felt that, in this case, simplicity must lost prominence to the depth of Surak's challenge to his people"


  • Editorial Communique
  • And a Legend was Born by Cicile Ouellet (1)
  • Of Doubt and Decision, a sequel to "Balance of Terror" by Cicile Ouellet It has illustrations by Joani Baldwin. (29)
  • An Option for Caelix by Cicile Ouellet (149)
  • The Changing Scene by DeForest Kelley (185)
  • The Impatience of Ahz-Cm-80,o43-NI by Cicile Ouellet(199)
  • art by Jeanette Gibson, Brett Mueller, Joani Baldwin

Reactions and Reviews

Another wretched Mary Sue, a good story by Steve Barnes, poetry -- not really, verses would be kinder, art is wroth the price -- gorgeous. Contains a poem by De Kelley himself, revered in lovely and graceful calligraphy by Mrs. Kelley. Well bound, attractive, excellent layout. The price seems a bit steep to me. [1]


  1. ^ from Fanzine Review 'Zine #2 (1977)