Two into Three

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Title: Two into Three
Author(s): Alexis Fegan Black
Date(s): 1986
Length: 12 1/2 pages
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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Two into Three is a Spock/Kirk/McCoy story by Alexis Fegan Black.

first page

It was published in the print zine Shades of Grey #1.


Spock is in sickbay recovering from Pon Farr in which Kirk was his partner. We see the beginning of a triad developing as Kirk and McCoy watch over their friend.

Reactions and Reviews

TWO INTO THREE by Alexis Fegan Black is another Kirk, Spock, McCoy story. In this one, we see the beginning sparks between all three of them over Spock's sick bed. What amused me the most of what I call Alexis' use of what I call 'Spock humor,' that dry sort of wit he carries around with him. The author puts to good use this wryness to work while we watch the realization dawn on all three men. The writing is excellent, as with all of Alexis' stories. [1]

The best written of [the three K/S/Mc stories in the zine] is the moving "Two Into Three" by Alexis Fagen Black. There is an inspirational maturity in Kirk here. The jealousy that mars the other two K/S/Mc stories is avoided. T [2]

(12 pages) - Spock goes into unexpected Pon Farr during negotiations with a new planet, and Kirk and Spock live through it and get bonded. On their return, McCoy orders Spock to stay in sickbay for a whie to recover. There, Kirk finds him holding Spock's hand...soft, sexy, satisfying story! [3]
