Tucking the Captain In

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Title: Tucking the Captain In
Author(s): RaMar
Date(s): 2009
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: AOS
External Links: Tucking the Captain In

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Tucking the Captain In is a Star Trek: AOS Kirk/Spock story by RaMar.

Reactions and Reviews

One of the many great things about the alternative universe created by JJ Abrams, to my mind anyway, is that it is not only inspiring authors new to K/S but also giving fresh inspiration and a whole new well of possibilities to established writers. Tucking the Captain In is a good example of just that. In her biog on the Kirk/Spock Fanfiction Archive RaMar says she had not felt the need to write any more K/S since her story At Last was published in T'hy'la many years ago [1] - until she saw the new film. 'A whole new universe of young, virile K/S stories to create and read as well. How delicious,' is how she puts it, and I couldn't agree more. Tucking the Captain In is set after the defeat of Nero. The Enterprise is heading back to space dock with a very tired captain on the bridge. McCoy enlists Spock's help in getting said captain off the bridge to take some much needed rest. The premise is simple and there really isn't much of a plot but what this story does do is explore the beginnings of a closeness between AU Kirk and Spock and it is very sweetly done. It's a story that should appeal to fans of hurt/comfort, with an ending that can't help but make you smile, and I hope RaMar feels inspired enough to write the sequel it's crying out for. [2]


  1. ^ 1983, to be precise.
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #154