trying to behave (but you know that we never learned how)

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Title: trying to behave (but you know that we never learned how)
Author(s): christmasyoongi
Date(s): November 2015 - January 2018
Length: 328k words; 24 chapters
Genre(s): YouTuber AU, Famous AU, slash
Fandom(s): BTS
External Links: ao3 link, Archived version

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trying to behave (but you know that we never learned how) is a BTS fanfic by christmasyoongi. It is a YouTuber AU and a non-idol AU. The main pairing is Yoonmin.

On the Archive of Our Own, it is the sixteenth most popular BTS fanwork by hit count. As of February 2021, the work has over 376,000 hits, 13,000 kudos, 3,700 comments, and 3,100 bookmarks.


Summary: It's been years since Yoongi's last seen him and the younger boy is a shell of his former self in a way that makes his heart twist in his chest. And yet, after all this time and countless days of convincing himself to let him go, he's still unconditionally, head over heels in love with Park Jimin.

(Jimin and Yoongi grow up together.)

Reactions and Reviews

aka “that one angsty yoonmin fic”. btfr’s archive isn’t complete without this one. honestly, one of the greatest reads i’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing. if you haven’t read this, you’re really missing out. this is a wild ride with ups and downs and it’s sure to make u shed at least one single perfect tear in the middle of the night (emphasis on at least). i’m following this fic like it’s a soap opera, and i’m not the only one, like the almost-2k-notes suggests. it’s not the most kudo’d fic in the fandom without reason. (also as a fun fact: the author is entering this fic in a contest, and it might get published! wow. double wow.) anyway. you gotta read this. you gotta.[1]

literally the most dramatic, angsty yoonmin fic out there which had the entire fandom screaming at the top of their lungs because it startED SO DAMN CUTE AND THEN WENT TO HELL REAL QUICK T_T[2]

This was the type of story that squeezes your heart painfully and leaves you breathless in your seat. A painful, raw story of love lost, found and forever cherished. Title from the song A.M by 1D, therefore u can understand how gut-wrenching it is.[3]

okay it’s really fucking good okay. The angst is p heavy though. Yoongi and Jimin grow up together and shit. Okay but i want to say this: I understand that some people will not like this one because certain things happen, but it is warned. Do not read if you are going to be bashing the author who worked so fucking hard on this. This really is a work of art, no matter how harsh the situation is okay. The author does not need hateful comments on something they worked really hard on. and you can tell too. I will defend this author because how much i respect them. SAD BUT VERY FUCKING GOOD OKAY ITLL BE WORTH IT.[4]
