True Sight

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Title: True Sight
Author(s): Ainzfern
Date(s): 2003 (publishing date Tom Paris Dorm)
Length: 17,654 word
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Star Trek Voyager
Relationship(s): Chakotay/Paris
External Links: True Sight (The Tom Paris Dorm)

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True Sight is a Chakotay/Paris slash story by Ainzfern.

Summary: A lonely soul. An unknown lover. Excerpts from the personal log of Tom Paris as he chronicles a most extraordinary phase of his life on board Voyager.

Recs and Reviews

Ainzfern: "True Sight". C/P. Hot and heavy. Compassionate and gentle. Erotic and alluring. A story that shows how you can heal an aching heart, and build the foundation for love, if only you dare to trust.[1]

This is my favorite Chakotay/Paris story. Though the premise may seem a little wild (sex with a complete stranger while blindfolded in a spaceship where till very recently people were after your blood), it becomes believable as Tom comes to life through his own logs and explains his feelings and what shapes his decisions.

The identity of Tom’s lover remains hidden till almost the very end, but since the author clearly labeled it as a Chakotay/Paris story I don’t believe there’s a problem in revealing it; on the contrary, knowing it just makes you more and more anxious to see when and how Tom will finally figure it out.

Tom's voice is absolutely perfect and the smut incredibly hot. What more could one ask for?[2]


  1. ^ Layla's Fanfiction: Recs. (Accessed 27 July 2017)
  2. ^ "Rec at epic_recs, May 13, 2008". Archived from the original on 2024-10-07.