To Serve and Protect

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Title: To Serve and Protect
Author(s): Azrael
Date(s): 22 April 2011
Length: 1,678 words
Genre(s): gen fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: To Serve and Protect (H50_flashfic)

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To Serve and Protect is a Hawaii Five-0 story by Azrael.

Summary: Steve joins the club.

Recs and Reviews

A stirring look into the sharing of traditions, the transition from soldier to cop, and the coming together of a team into family. Azrael re-wrote a moment from the 1st episode into a scene with such depth and weight that I dare you not to be moved. Danny shares a gift from his past in the NJ police world, using it bring Steve into the new law enforcement side of the law and order family and gifting them all with protection and friendship. A very nice look at early H50 that shows us so many hints of what this group of four individuals will grow into.[1]


  1. ^ duonoaikouka in: crack_van. [1], 26 January 2012. (Accessed 08 June 2016)