Through The Gate Darkly

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Name: Through The Gate Darkly
Date(s): 2006
Moderator(s): kellifer_fic, Jenn
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Associated Community: Livejournal
URL: Through The Gate Darkly, Archived version
Through the gate darkly logo.png
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Through The Gate Darkly was a Stargate SG-1 ficathon focusing on darkfics. It took place in 2006 with sign-ups opening on September 26, 2006.[1] Fics had to be at least 1000 words long and were due on December 4.[2]

In a comment from April 5, 2007, mod kellifer_fic confirmed that all challenges had been answered.[3]

Jacqueline, a fan writer who felt that around the time the event was held a major change in attitude towards dark tropes took place in fandom, said in an interview in 2012:

...there was a challenge, approximately 100,000 years ago, i.e., probably around 2007 [sic],[4] called The Darkfic Challenge—no, The Darkgate Challenge—and it was supposed to be, "Hello, we are going to write darkity-dark Stargate fic of darkness and it will be darkful." And, no, people, that was not "darkful." That was kittens and bunnies and little floppy unicorns and My Little Pony mashups and ... Give me a break. (CRONIN laughs) So, Synechdochic wrote "Close to Bone"[5] and I wrote "All Heads Turn When the Hunt Goes By"[6] —because serial killer Daniel is never not going to be fun—and then people were going, Oh my God. You can't do this!, and, It's horrible! And then they started playing the modern, bizarre fandom card, which is "I am a X survivor of"—pick your trauma of the week—"and this hurts me in my hurty places." Yeah, good for you, cupcake. Back in the day, we had more balls when we read fanzines. (CRONIN laughs) Because ... I was just really tired of the "I am all hurt by this because it is triggery of my itchy." For God's sakes people, if a badly written fan story is going to set you off, get off the Internet, now. Because, you're lucky if you can figure out what the hell I was talking about with the punctuation. (CRONIN laughs) But my view is not universally shared and then we segue into the great warnings debate yet again. Which ... No, I'm not going to do it, and the reason I'm not going to do it is because you want me to do it so much.

Fan Fiction Oral History Project with Jacqueline
