Those Moods

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Title: Those Moods
Author(s): Charlotte Frost
Date(s): 1986
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Those Moods is a Kirk/Spock story by Charlotte Frost.

It was published in One Night Stand #4/5.


"A discussion of what the literal translation of "ass" really is transpires between Kirk and Spock."

From the Author

One of those stories that, even when I was still in K/S fandom, I wanted to cover my eyes in embarrassment when I thought, “I can’t believe that I ever wrote this!” It’s not that it’s a bad story. It’s hardly even a story. Very, very short. But the thing is, it’s quite crass. Tacky. Spock is in one of “those moods” and calls Kirk on the carpet for mislabeling body parts. [1]

Reactions and Reviews

Vignettes are just about my favorite form of K/S writing, and this one is just about perfect. Kirk and Spock were totally in-character, their conversation believable and very funny. As was the topic of their conversation! Great illustration of ".... the ridiculousness of using such formal words." [2]


  1. ^ from Charlotte Frost at Stories I Have Known, posted in perhaps 2005, accessed January 3, 2012
  2. ^ from The LOC Connection #6