Things We Said Today

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Title: Things We Said Today
Author(s): Hafren
Date(s): 2002
Length: 2257 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: Things We Said Today at AO3

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Things We Said Today is a Blake/Avon Blake's 7 story by Hafren.

It was originally printed in the zine Fire and Ice #7.

Reactions and Reviews

Can't comment on that, obviously, though I will say there's a very pretty illo after it two faces, which though they look like Blake and Avon are also reminiscent of Lennon and McCartney (the shadows help).[1]

Alas (for me) we now move into the section of the zine that is already online :( So I've already read everything from this point onwards. I quite like them all, though, even if I have other favourites by these authors. With 'Things We Said Today' I am in the position of feeling both that Avon's discussion of his fantasies/how he feels about Blake is erotic and charming (and I do believe that he'd think this way), and... not quite believing that Avon would be this honest and helpful. (See, I do have some limits to how much niceness I want). Anyway, overall I like it a lot.[2]

(Sex? Yes - sort of) Avon rhapsodises at length about Blake. To his face. Amazingly, it works. A strong sense of the characters’ speech patterns and Blake’s down to earth humour ground the story. Killer last line. (N.B. The sequel is also vv good, but we prefer the original.) [3]
