Thief (Star Wars TPM story)

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Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan Fanfiction
Title: Thief
Author(s): Rachael Sabotini & Maygra de Rhema
Date(s): 11 December 1999 - 13 August 2000
Length: 30,383 words
Genre: slash fanfiction
Fandom: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
External Links: Thief (Maygra's Musings)
Thief (AO3)

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Thief is a Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan story by Rachael Sabotini & Maygra de Rhema. It was never finished.

Summary: When a new planet is to be offered entrance into the federation, Jedi are sent to inspect it, and they are arriving near the Festival of Mother Night. In honor of their visit, the government has cracked down on illegal activities, including the smuggling that provides Master Thief Qui-Gon Jinn with the drug he uses to stay sane. His plans go awry, leaving him with no drug and a slave named Obi-Wan Kenobi. (Adult A/U, Rape, Mature Themes)[1]


Recs and Reviews

Qui-gon’s searching for someone else when he finds a city slave named Obi-wan... in the richly written (and illustrated) Thief, by Rache & Maygra Now up to part 6.[2]


  1. ^ Rachael Sabotini's House O'Fanfic: Phantom Manace. Links down as of July 1, 2009. (Accessed 09 May 2015)
  2. ^ Sandy Herrold. Issues of Consent: Sandy’s mostly"Slash Without Consent" link page, via Wayback. (Accessed 09 May 2015)