There is a Season

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Title: There is a Season
Author(s): Jan Sullivan
Date(s): 1985
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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There is a Season is a Kirk/Spock story by Jan Sullivan.

It was published in the print zine Matter/Antimatter #5.


"Spock attempts to lift his bondmateʼs spirits the day before Kirkʼs 50th birthday by talking and making love through the night."

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This is about the night before Kirk's birthday, the ill-fated one from Star Trek II. The two have apparently been lovers for many years, and Spock beams down from the ship to Kirk's apartment to cook dinner for him, spend the evening together, and help Kirk overcome the inevitable melancholy associated with the birthday. This one has lots of loving sex, all of it with a meaning to it which advances the plot/intention of the story. And all is not completely wonderful in paradise. Kirk is depressed because of a speeding ticket he receives from a "kindergarten" cop, Spock talks about his bondmate's shifting floods and his own "hang ups", Kirk apologizes for snapping at Spock during a staff meeting. In other words, this one feels real. But each is trying hard to be open to and help the other. Kirk doesn't want to burden Spock with his emotions about aging, Spock hopes to help by speaking frankly about his own perceptions of how Kirk has changed over the years. And if you want romantic, try reading the note which Spock enclosed with his birthday present. Or how about "What he had not done for or with or because of this Human probably was not possible for a Vulcan to do." The characterizations are right on target, and the story very believable. I love it. [1]
