The infinite in the finite of every instant

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Title: The infinite in the finite of every instant
Author(s): Liviapenn
Date(s): April 2007
Length: Wordcount: 4100
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: online here

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The infinite in the finite of every instant is a Stargate Atlantis Rodney Mckay/Teyla Emmagen story by Liviapenn.

Reactions and Reviews

Why this must be read: Another story written for the Rodney/Teyla Thing-a-Thon. This is a delightful (and porny) romp of a story, sexy and sweet and absolutely hilarious. Livia takes the story AU halfway through the episode "The Tao of Rodney", hypothesizing an alternate meaning for the Athosian Tea Ceremony of rememberance. I confess, this story was written for my prompts, but I don't feel bad reccing it at all, because it's just such a delight to read and it still makes me laugh every time I reread it.[1]


  1. ^ rec at Crack Van, June 2007