The Writers Workshops by Eric A. Stillwell and Lolita Fatjo

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Title: The Writers Workshops by Eric A. Stillwell and Lolita Fatjo
Creator: Eric A. Stillwell and Lolita Fatjo
Date(s): 1989-at least 1997
Medium: in person workshop
Fandom: Star Trek
Language: English
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The Writers Workshops by Eric A. Stillwell and Lolita Fatjo were a series of for-profit presentations by Eric A. Stillwell and Lolita Fatjo, two people officially involved in the show.

At least one of them was connected to Weekend on the Promenade.

The workshops tapped into many fans' intense desire to be an official part of Star Trek.

From a Flyer

Unknown date:

The Writers Workshop for aspiring Star Trek scribes was developed seven years ago by Star Trek Script Coordinators Eric A. Stillwell and Lolita Fatjo. Since Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager are the only Hollywood productions which accept speculative scripts from fans and non-professionals, the franchise has seen an increasing number of speculative script submissions over the years—as many as five thousand scripts per season!

From the beginning it was obvious to those responsible for handling the growing influx of script submissions that many novice writers and fans were simply unfamiliar with the basics of script writing or the proper procedures for submitting their material in a professional fashion. Over the years so many fans had expressed an interest in learning how to write for Star Trek, Eric and Lolita decided to give them aleg up on the process.

The Writers Workshop was specifically designed to help writers understand the script submission process and some of the basics about the "rights" and "wrongs" of speculative scripts. "We don't presume to teach people how to write," says Eric, "We simply help people understand what works and what doesn't work and why." According to Lolita, "Submitting a professional- looking script is half the battle. The writing will speak for itself." The Workshop offers important insights to first time writers as well as long time professionals and provides materials essential to submitting spec scripts to Star Trek.

To Purchase tickets for the Writers Workshop to be held in conjunction with "Weekend on the Promenade" on Sunday September 28th at 8:00 am-10:00 am, at the Holiday Inn, OldeTowne Scottsdale, Arizona. Please fill in the coupon below and return with check or money order.

We hope to see you [1] there!

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  1. ^ And your $30.