The Worst That Could Happen

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Title: The Worst That Could Happen
Author(s): LucyToo
Date(s): 23 June 2011 -- 8 September 2011 (FF.Net data)
Length: 181,064
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Glee
External Links: FF.Net, Italian Translation
Tumblr lq1v36ACYa1qfrsxyo1 500.png

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The Worst That Could Happen is an epic novella by LucyToo, that describes what exactly the unintended fallout of Dave Karofsky's public coming out could be. It is principally a rape recovery story, though it has been critically acclaimed as being original, and emotionally poignant. A vid by Tickle Me Dough Face was later produced for the work.[1] It has also been translated into Italian. Lucy is also working with Pixolith to create art for an ebook version, for the Muscular Dystrophy Association charity.[2] Some fans loved it so much that a You Know You're Obsessed With TWTCH When... was set up on Tumblr.
