Universe Beyond

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Title: Universe Beyond
Publisher: ou tof Los Angeles
Editor(s): David H. Claypool and Peter K. Flynn
Date(s): 1976-1977
Medium: print zine
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
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Universe Beyond is a Star Trek: TOS gen anthology edited by David H. Claypool and Peter K. Flynn.

There appear to be three issues.

Issue 1

The first issue was printed in December 1976. It was advertised as having "28 pages of stories, art and more."

Issue 2

Universe Beyond 2 was published in early 1977 and contains 41 pages.

cover of issue #2

It has art by Adria, David Claypool, Dennis Drew, Lawrence Fury, Kathi Lynn Higley, Signe Landon, Philip Oshiro, Mac Patterson, Kathi Schneller, Brad Spalsowitz, and Daniel Wolfe.

  • Assignment: Earth -- Second Assignment, fiction by Lawrence Fury
  • Spock/McCoy, fiction by Amy Tedford
  • Reprise, fiction by Rebecca Ross
  • Eternity, From Which We Came, fiction by Lawrence Fury
  • Three Fragments from Romulan History, fiction by Leslie Fish
  • other unknown content

Reactions and Reviews (possibly issue #3)

Peter and David have a worthy goal -- a quality zine at a low price. So far the price is fine ($1.25 plus two stamps); unfortunately, the quality s still somewhat spotty, but improving. Tops this issue is Leslie Fish's 'Three Fragments from Romulan History,' featuring Romulan 'fable-ballads' with historical analysis. The poetry fairly sings! And again, Fish has expanded beautifully on a ST culture -- don't miss this one if you can help it! The rest of the zine holds a great deal of variety. Nice art, though some of it seems to have suffered in repro, and charming 'Tribble-toos' by Kathy Lee Higley. Amy Tedford has a well-written article, 'Spock/McCoy --Physician, Heal Thy Broken Nose,' from which this teaser: '...the doctor projects his own emotional shortcomings onto Spock.' Poetry, pleasant, but not really inspired; a page of LoCs, and even a puzzle from some nut in Iowa [Audrey Rober] Stories include a followup Gary Seven adventure with a UFO, Enterprise-assisted (weak, unfortunately, in both plot and character development); a story intentionally similar to 'Errand of Mercy,' with a rather neat twist at the end; and another that tackles nothing less than grandiose than the death of God (shades of the ST movie!). This zine has picked up quite a bit over the first issue and deserves support. I'd encourage the editors to demand more in the way of polishing and proofreading from their writers and themselves. Really good zines take a whole lot of work and there's plenty of room for more of them.[1]


  1. ^ from The Halkan Council #26/27