The Tribble with Troubles
Fanfiction | |
Title: | The Tribble with Troubles |
Author(s): | Dana Austin Marsh & Gena Moretti |
Date(s): | 1999 |
Length: | 7,881 words |
Genre(s): | slash |
Fandom(s): | Star Trek: TOS |
Relationship(s): | Kirk/Spock |
External Links: | The Kirk/Spock Fanfiction Archive on AO3 |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
The Tribble with Troubles is a K/S story by Dana Austin Marsh & Gena Moretti.
It was published in the print zine Beyond Dreams #1 (03/1999) and later online.
"One tribble is left behind on the Enterprise."
Reactions and Reviews
Oh, yeah, this tribble had real big forgotten tribble alone on the Enterprise, searching for food and loving vibrations. That ́s the whole story. And what a story! I giggled most unladylike and those "mutated" pink fuzzy slippers really had me going, and, huh, BALDY! And Spock liking it, and Kirk being jealous of a pregnant tribble and tribbles being (pre-)sentient and their shock of almost having spaced them.... I need air! Dana, Gena? Wonderful, that ́s humor as I like it (and I have mostly problems with humorous stories, so that ́s really praise form me). Tribbles are only human, too, aren ́t they? Most people I know think most of the day of nothing else but food and "loving vibrations"—so how is it? Are tribbles sentient or humans pre-sentient? [1]
Ever read a story from a tribble’s point of view? Well, here it is. And, boy, what a treat! Cahanta, the last remaining tribble aboard the Enterprise, sets off in search of food and some "lovin’ vibrations" to ensure her survival and that of the six fur balls within her. The tale of her many adventures is an uproarious and thoroughly enjoyable one. I won’t list them in detail, (and deprive you of the fun of reading them for yourself), but suffice it to say that when Cahanta finally finds the tribble for whom her heart pines, I nearly fell on the floor laughing.Included are loads of lovely little bits: the super polite discussion our captain has with Koloth, Kirk’s obsession with chocolate, and lines like this: "Kirk fell back onto one of the three things he did best, give orders." (My imagination supplied the other two.)
I wouldn’t have suspected a collaboration between these two authors with their widely disparate styles would have worked so well. I was delightfully wrong. Hopefully there will be more stories to come, and I’ll be the first in line to read them.[2]
This was an interesting story with an unusual twist. Spock is rendered invisible during a research accident. This upsets Kirk and intrigues the Star Fleet version of the CIA. Two story lines develop as the relationship between Kirk and Spock grows as well as the attempts to keep Spock out of the nefarious clutches of covert ops.
It was clever idea and the author used it to good effect. [3]
Only these two authors—two of the most innovative and creative K/S authors—could come up with this idea for a story. I am almost speechless. It is so outrageous and yet very clever. “Jim, I assure you that every last tribble has been removed from this ship.” And Chapel’s fuzzy slippers! And “Baldy”! Okay, you’ve got to read this.[4]
“The Tribble with Troubles” by Dana Austin Marsh and Gena Moretti is an eleven page totally silly story which I enjoyed. It’s cutesy fluff. Oh, that pun just happened faster than a tribble multiples...unless, of course, you are talking about Ms. Cahanta.[5]
Boy, does this Tribble have troubles! Left alone on the Enterprise after all her companions have been beamed aboard the Klingon ship, she wanders the halls looking for food and fulfillment...and falls madly in love with Spock's balls! Affectionately naming them "Baldy", she's a difficult little Tribble to dissuade. This is way beyond cute—it's clever as can be and just hilarious!Spock will never tell Kirk how exquisite that furry little creature felt snuggled up against him, vibrating ever so slightly.
Great balls of fur!! [6]
I must admit I don’t usually like comedy stories, but this one did make me chuckle. The adventures of the one solitary tribble left on board, who is hungry and pregnant and how she manages to get in the middle of Kirk’s relationship with Spock (literally) is absolutely hilarious! Equally funny was the fact that all the way through the story, Spock keeps reassuring Kirk there are no more tribbles on board and then has to admit he was mistaken. The descriptions of several officers’ cabins which the tribble visits were I thought very true to life, including Scott’s anger when the tribble eats his supply of genuine Scottish shortbreads, plus of course Kirk’s worries about what McCoy and Spock will do when his secret stash of chocolate is revealed! [7]
Hey, it was the ones like you that paved the way for us. Now, I'm no spring chicken, but quite new when it comes to writing stories. Your stories always put such a huge grin on my face; they have just that right amount of TOS campiness to them. [8]
This was so much fun to read. I loved the Tribble POV. I felt bad for it at the end when it could not find "Blady." So sad. I felt for Scotty too when he found his shortbread gone. Good shortbread is hard to come by. [9]
- ^ The K/S Press #33 (05/1999)
- ^ The K/S Press #33 (05/1999)
- ^ from The K/S Press #3
- ^ The K/S Press #35 (07/1999)
- ^ The K/S Press #35 (07/1999)
- ^ The K/S Press #51 (11/2000)
- ^ The K/S Press#111 (12/2005)and The K/S Press #187 (04/05/2012)
- ^ from Bastet at The Kirk/Spock Fanfiction Archive
- ^ from ivycross at The Kirk/Spock Fanfiction Archive