The Time of Fire and Shadow

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Title: The Time of Fire and Shadow
Publisher: Requiem
Date(s): December 2013
Medium: print
Genre: gen
Fandom: Lord of the Rings/Sentinel/Real Ghostbusters
Language: English
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The Time of Fire and Shadow is a full-sized, 151-page gen crossover novel by Sheila Paulson. It has a color cover by Sekhmet.

Cover from a previous edition, no longer available from the publisher.

It is part of the What Matters Most Universe.


From the author:

When Aragorn vanishes mysteriously from the top of the Tower of Ecthelion, a desperate Legolas must seek Jim and Blair to help seek him. In the meantime, Aragorn finds himself in a world that is strange to him, where he must confront a peril similar to one he and the Fellowship encountered. With help from a team of paranormal eliminators, Jim, and Blair take a stand with Aragorn and Legolas to counter the deadly threat.