The Thing with Feathers

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Title: The Thing with Feathers
Publisher: Requiem
Author(s): Sheila Paulson
Cover Artist(s): Bast
Illustrator(s): Bast
Date(s): March 2017
Medium: print, download, CD
Size: digest-sized
Genre: gen
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Language: English
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The Thing with Feathers is a 196-page gen Stargate: Atlantis novel by Sheila Paulson. The title is taken from Emily Dickinson's 1891 poem "Hope is the thing with feathers."

covers, Bast is the artist


Summary: On a mission to a supposedly safe planet, John Shepherd, Ronon, and the team are attacked, and Ronon and another team member are apparently taken, for reasons unknown. Yet the attackers did no more harm than moving weapons out of reach and making off with the two men, even leaving valuable goods in apparent payment for their actions. As John and the others on planet and elsewhere try to find their friends and figure out what's happened, they learn that the planet is not so uninhabited as everyone believed. Meanwhile, the captives try to learn their fate, starting with why they were taken and where they are.