The Sun is No Friend of the Dead

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Title: The Sun is No Friend of the Dead
Author(s): Ginna LaCroix
Date(s): 1982
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
External Links:
art by Leslie Spurlock

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The Sun is No Friend of the Dead is a Star Trek: TOS story by Ginna LaCroix. The art is by Leslie Spurlock.

It was published in Nome #5.


"Because of a series of unconnected events, Kirk develops hemophilia, just as he and Spock are taken prisoner by Klingons, who torture Kirk to try and break him."

"Post ST: TMP. Jim Kirk has developed a form of hemophilia. It is not genetic hemophilia so there must be a cause and a cure. It is up to McCoy and Spock to find the ansuers before it is too late."

Reactions and Reviews

‘The Sun is No Friend of the Dead’ – run-of-the-mill torture milieu story; Kirk gets tortured past the breaking point, hemophilia and nearly drowned; all for poorly plotted reasons. The three or four other plot threads are not tied together well. In fact the whole thing reads like the author was trying to use up leftovers from her ideafile.[1]


  1. ^ Datazine #19