The Successor

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Title: The Successor
Author(s): Linda Frankel
Date(s): 1992
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Robin of Sherwood
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The Successor is a Robert/Robin Robin of Sherwood story by Linda Frankel

It was printed in No Holds Barred #1.

Slash in Robin of Sherwood Fandom

Slash fanworks in Robin of Sherwood were far and few between due to its creator asking fans not to create them for most characters.

See much more at Robin of Sherwood Fandom and Slash Fanworks.

Several fans cited two reasons they disliked "The Sucessor." One was it was badly written. And the other one was that it existed at all.

Interestingly, fans did not voice their objects to the other two slash Robin of Sherwood stories in the zine, Love's Gentle Bite by Cat Anestopoulo and The Yeoman of the Guard by Barbara T. "No Holds Barred" continued publishing other Robin of Sherwood slash fics.

Related Poems

Frankel wrote five poems in this universe. They were published in On the Edge #1 in 1993. In that zine, Frankel wrote:

INTRODUCTORY BACKGROUND NOTE: This material is based on the English series called THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD created by Richard Carpenter. In this series there are two Robin Hoods. The first is Robin of Loxley, a Saxon peasant fighting the oppression of the Norman nobility. Robin is killed, and many fans consider his death a sacrifice to maintain the fertility of the land. His successor is a young Norman nobleman named Robert of Huntington who resigns his heritage to become the second Robin Hood. Robert apparently wrestled with himself over this decision since he waited a year before he succeeded to Robin's office. It's generally believed that the only reason why Robert came to Sherwood is because he had fallen in love with Robin's widow, Marion. Since Robin Hood's band was composed of Saxon peasants, the Norman Robert of Huntington was viewed with suspicion and resentment at first. It is important to note that this is a Pagan series in which Herne the Hunter is the patron deity of Robin Hood. It is Herne who chose both Robin of Loxley and Robert of Huntington to become Robin Hood, adopting them as Herne's Sons. In addition, the God bestows a sacred sword to Robin Hood which was made by a legendary smith named Wayland. Herne is also known as King Stag and Lord of the Trees. The God is represented by a man. Some fans believe that Robin of Loxley eventually returns to life as the man who speaks for Herne. This is the subject of the last poem. In the actual events of the series, Robin and Robert never meet. These poems take place in an alternate slash universe where Robin trained Robert as his successor, and they became lovers tied by a strong telepathic link. Those who want the full story of this a/u should read my novelette, "The Successor” in NO HOLDS BARRED #1 available from Kathleen Resch.

Reactions and Reviews

I can't believe this story...Ugh, bad taste in my mouth time. These two guys meet, and are immediately drawn to each other. They spend hours together, and have pretty much accepted the fact they are going to make love, when, their personal god (Herne -- yeah, it's RoS) tells them that as a proof of their faith in him, that their first time together needs to draw blood which they will then offer up to the god.

I don't know what it was exactly that bothered me about this, and it's not like I don't think this person had the right to write (Defend my right to write, she said) this story -- it just gagged me.

It did for me too, and I haven't even read the damn thing. The minute you said it was a RoS slash (absolutely verbotten in my life) I wanted to upchuck.
First off, bullshit (pardon my French). That sounds more like the Xtian god to me, not Herne. Herne is a benevolent god (okay, so once in a while one of his sons has to die for the land, but that is true, even in the Xtian religion). He's not going to ask for pain (assumed) and blood in something that is supposed to be done in love. (Who were the two, btw?)
I'm going to get flamed, big time, for this, probably. I'll defend anyone's right to free speech, but [[Robin of Sherwood Fandom and Slash Fanworks|Kip has asked us very nicely not to write RoS slash]] and those of us who really love the universe have said that we won't. I won't read this stuff for all the money in the world and neither will any of the other Merries.
Go ahead. Flame away. I don't care. This is one of the few things that really torks me off and puts me on my soapbox.[1]

Isn't this that *very* strange one where they meet while one is still Robin, are immediately attracted to each other, but don't act on it

until Herne and the Lady say they can ---BUT-- they can't use lubricant, because they must dedicate their pain to God?

Not terribly written, by any means, but the strangest concept I think I've ever read. [2]


  1. ^ first comments by Sandy Hereld, from Virgule-L, quoted with permission (Sep 30, 1993), the reply is by Beth H.
  2. ^ comments by Sandy Hereld, from Virgule-L, quoted with permission (December 1996)