The Sacrifice (Starsky & Hutch story)

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Title: The Sacrifice
Author(s): Brit
Date(s): 2001
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: online here

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The Sacrifice is a massive hurt/comfort Starsky and Hutch tale by Brit.

It was the winner of ten Torino Awards.

Summary: "Hutch and two uniformed officers are the only witnesses to a D.A.’s murder. When the men responsible begin eliminating the witnesses, how far will Starsky go in order to protect his partner’s life?"


Hutch didn't speak, but merely turned his head a bit more in his partner's direction. "Well, at that point I knew it, too. It's weird, but somehow you do know. I wouldn't have lasted more than a couple of hours...the internal bleeding...they say I was going into shock. If they had gotten me to make the call to you, they would have killed me right then anyway because I had served my purpose. I heard them say so, and I had no reason to doubt they wouldn't do it. Hutch, I also knew that if you heard my voice, there wasn't anything on this earth you wouldn't do to get to me, even if that meant giving up your own life. And that's what would have happened. Hutch I had to do this. There was no way out of this one. I was going to be dead soon anyway, so a few hours wasn't that big of a sacrifice."

As soon as the words were out of Starsky's mouth Hutch's head snapped around as if he'd been slapped. Pale blue eyes burned with an inward rage and self-loathing as he leapt to his feet. "A few hours? Starsky, you sacrificed everything because of me--for me. They beat you to within an inch of your life and left you for dead, drove you to the point of slamming your wrist into a chunk of glass, and you’re telling me that finishing yourself off was no big deal? My God, Starsk!"

Starsky's expression softened under the delayed outpouring of Hutch's pain. "And I'd do it again."

The honesty and love that radiated from his partner's eyes felled Hutch and brought him to his knees beside him. "Starsk..."

Author's Comments

From A 2004 Interview with Brit:

It still floors me that "Sacrifice" received as much attention as it did. It started out as one of those 'what if' moments that grew into a story, in that one of the guys would offer up his life for the other, such as in "A Coffin For Starsky." "Sacrifice" is also one of those stories that I've always wondered if I 'wrote it right', or if it was too 'over the top', and for some, I'm sure it is. I believe that we all have a desire to be so loved and valued by another that they would do anything to protect us, to save us. That kind of sacrifice is beyond our comprehension, I think. I am fortunate to know that love first-hand, which is why I included the New Testament verse of John 15:13, "Greater love has no man than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends."