The Rebel Faction

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Name: The Rebel Faction
Date(s): 2002 - c. 2014
Moderated: yes
Moderators/List Maintainers: Omnae/CapriciaPrime, Titus/amishforkfight, Master Ahnk/InterArmaEnim, Seth Vinda/red_sean, Dolash, Beff Pike/mkolabin/cloudcitycantina
Fandom: Star Wars
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The Rebel Faction is a Star Wars fanfiction and roleplay forum.


On some SW (Star Wars) boards, everyone and his dog is a Jedi. On TRF, almost everyone has a Jedi character tucked away somewhere, but for the most part our fiction is written from a non-force user perspective. And generally these people just happen to be the leaders of some great and mighty government. On TRF, people can author fiction, based in the Star Wars universe, about a unique government and its interactions with the rest of the galaxy. At some times TRF can be positively creepy in how the various fictional governments mimic governments of our real world.