The Pokéslash Playground

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Name: The Pokéslash Playground
Date(s): 2000 or earlier - November 2007
Archivist: Kanna/princesskanna/Kanna-Ophelia/cleffa-fairy/Elsa Clarke
Fandom: Pokémon
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The Pokéslash Playground was a Pokémon slash fanfiction archive.



  • November 2000: Misty's got girl germs and Jesse is a bitch: A PMT-fuel rant on boring misogyny in Pokeslash, and why I don't seem to read much shishi anymore.
  • October 2000 - Queershipping: Having it both ways, or, what's a nice rocketshipper like me doing writing Rocket slash?
  • You've probably figured that the September editorial just isn't going to happen. What can I say... Real life and a new baby list... Instead, PikaCass has consented to let me link to her own response to a homophobic flamer on her Anyshippers Pokemon site. It's a wonderful defence of freedom of pairing in fan fiction. Name the Flamer.
  • August 2000 - The F/F Question: Why is there so little yuri outside the Xenaverse? NEW: Stemming partly from this editorial, I am pleased to announce the femmeslash mailing list.
  • July 2000 - on hetsmut, slash and homophobia: Why a Rocketshipper has a slash-only web page.