The Pendulum

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Title: The Pendulum
Author(s): Rebecca Ross
Date(s): 1980
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
External Links:
art from issue #4, Virginia Lee Smith, for the story "The Pendulum". Note: Marked for sexual assault/rape; minimized.

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The Pendulum is a Star Trek: TOS story by Rebecca Ross. It was inspired by "The Pit" by Marianne H. Hornlein in Obsc'zine #3.

It was published in the print zine Obsc'zine #4.

Reactions and Reviews

'The Pendulum': an offensive story, not because of of explicitiness (which does not offend Tigriffin) or the quality of writing per se, but because the author does not seem to note a difference between hormonally-induced violence in the Vulcan pon farr and ordinary sadism. The implication that real female sexuality is submissive masochism does a disservice to all women. [1]

Lt. Kelly Marchant helps Spock through a surprise attack of pon farr while on landing party. In plak tow, Spock sees her as T'Pring and treats her accordingly - very roughly. Back aboard ship, things turn pleasurable as the fever winds down. [2]
