The Old Guard Big Bang

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Name: The Old Guard Big Bang
Date(s): 2021 - 2022
Moderator(s): aimmyarrowshigh, lazaefair, mellyfiori, Highsmith
Founder: The Old Guard Big Bang
Type: Big Bang
Fandom: The Old Guard
Associated Community: The Old Guard
URL: 2021 Tumblr
2022 Tumblr
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The Old Guard Big Bang is a big bang fanfiction challenge. The first big bang began in October 2020 and had story reveals January 29, 2021 to April 26, 2021. [1] The event was held again in 2022, with signups in January and story reveals beginning November 1, 2022. [2]


Authors signing up were required to write a minimum of 12,500 words (in 2021)[3] or 10,000 words (in 2022)[4] for their story, have an AO3 account, and to provide a valid email address for communication and check-ins. In addition, some information was required prior to artists claims regardless of how much progress had been made on their story:

As an author, in order to have your story considered for artist claims, you must submit two weeks after sign-ups:

  • The finalized story summary
  • General themes and/or outline
  • Pairing
  • Rating
  • Applicable Archive Warnings
The Artist Claim Post will go up on November 21, artists will make their claims, and we’ll match everyone up accordingly.[3]

Artists could choose to create a variety of kinds of art:

The Old Guard Big Bang allows for various types of art, each with its own requirements:
  • Fanmix: a linkable mix of at least eight (8) songs, as well as front and back cover art
  • Fanvid: at least one video of at least one minute in length
  • Traditional or Digital Artwork: at least one piece of clean line art with basic shading
  • Photomanip: the equivalent effort to clean line art with basic shading
  • Photoset or Gifset: one 9-image moodboard per 6,000 words, or the equivalent effort

Artists are required to host their artwork on a site of their choosing and provide embedding links for the authors prior to posting.

Both authors and artists were also required to be 18+ if creating NSFW content.



Writer sign-ups: October 20-November 2

Artist sign-ups: October 20-November 20

Summary/themes due: November 20

Artists claim writers: November 21-22

1st check-in: December 14-15

50% of writing completed: January 2 at the latest

2nd check-in: January 16-17

Post to collection: beginning January 29

End of posting: March 31, 2021 [1]


Sign-ups: January 19-February 14, 2022

Summary/themes due: March 14, 2022

Artists claim writers: March 21, 2022

1st check-in: May 1, 2022

50% of writing completed: July 1, 2022

2nd check-in: September 1, 2022

Post to collection: November 1, 2022 [4]


In addition to providing details to authors and artists about expectations for participation in the event, the FAQ covered some additional details. For instance, participants were told that they could sign up as both author and artist as long as they could balance the commitment and workload involved. Beta readers were not required, but encouraged. Additionally, most of the FAQ had to do with claims (either related to the timeline or the process of making claims).[3][4]

Archives and Links
